вторник, 22 сентября 2015 г.

Гроб разъезжает по улицам США !

#Immortality Bus  #Zoltan Istvan #Transhumanist Party
The Immortality Bus is beginning it's second stage from Laguna Beach, CA to San Diego to Arizona. Come join us for a casual brunch Beach Bash from 10:15AM to 1PM in an oceanfront cottage near Dana Point, Orange County. Some food and beverages will be available. Bring your swim suits, come hang out on the deck, and talk about the future and #transhumanism. Some people (like Zoltan) might even go surfing out front if there's waves. Small donations for the Immortality Bus tour gladly accepted (they will go towards gas and other transhumanist events). Please note that the Immortality Bus will not be physically at this event, but we might share some video and/or a short slide show of its trip, and Zoltan will make a 5-10 minute speech about his presidential campaign and tour.

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